Instagram stories are even more powerful that posts in your feed now. It’s human nature to want to connect with a real person in real-time. That is the beauty of Instagram stories because they allow you to do just that.

Now you might be saying, “Chelsey, I have used Instagram stories and they don’t work for my business.”

But friend, there is a difference between being on Instagram stories and using Instagram stories for your business.

Here are three quick tips to create stories that encourage engagement.



When people are using social media apps they are scrolling through and subconsciously asking themselves with each post “what’s in it for me.” So, on the first slide on your story, you need to answer that question. Give that viewer a reason to continue watching and tell them what to expect in the upcoming stories.



The best stories provide value to your audience. Either through helpful tips, inspiration, or making them feel something by being relatable. I like to share 2 or 3 tips or insights in my stories that help my audience get to know me better, learn more about what I do, or how my business serves them.

Remember always lead with value.



The best way to get engagement is to ask for it! Treat your stories like they are a two-way conversation not just your talking at people. Ask questions, tell them to swipe up, host polls, use a slider, tell them to DM you for more information.

Social media is meant to be social. The more you talk and engage with the mindset that this is a two-way conversation the more engagement you will get.


I hope this helps you increase your confidence on Instagram stories! If you’re looking for help with social media management or running social media ads, check out how we’ve helped past clients HERE.



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