Pop the bubbly! We are coming up on our first anniversary with Taste Your Future!

Taste Your Future is a program in Ontario that is educating and inspiring young people on all the career opportunities available within the food and beverage processing industry. It has been such a blast working with the Taste Your future team.

I am a big believer in taking time to celebrate accomplishments. Us hustlers can sometimes get so wrapped up in the next goal that we miss celebrating the goals we have achieved.

Taste Your Future knows the power social media has and wanted to unlock a variety of social channels to spread their message.

So, that’s exactly what we did!

We grew the program’s existing social media channels following immensely. When we started, Taste Your Future’s twitter account had less than 200 followers, now they have more than 1,000 real, engaged followers!

We took the leap and put Taste Your Future on Instagram! The program wanted to talk directly to young people, so you’ve got to show up where your target audience is. In less than a month, Taste Your Future’s Instagram account had over 500 followers!

We optimized their Facebook page, established the programs brand voice, and developed (no pun intended) photo and video content that would guarantee an increase in engagement.

Pssst! Ever wonder why everyone is so obsessed with engagement?

It’s because the more engagement (likes, shares, comments) a post gets, the more people the post will reach!

Social media can be very time consuming, disheartening, and confusing, especially when you aren’t seeing results. If this is how you’re feeling, you’re not alone and I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way.

I’m going to walk you through the steps I took with Taste Your Future and all of my clients to give your social media the face lift it so desperately needs.


Just as I do with all my clients, the very first step when it comes to social media is to take a hard look at what channels you are already on or missing out on. I also have an in-depth meeting to fully understand the client’s product, service, or message and from there we can establish the right platforms on which your business should show up on.


The second step in the process is optimizing your social media accounts. There are lots of behind-the-scenes pieces that need to be filled out – this will help increase your SEO’s on your social channels. I also may have a few other tips and tricks up my sleeve to encourage potential customers to choose your business.


Your brand goes far beyond your logo. A brand is all about the way you show up and the way you make people feel. A brand voice is instrumental to having a well-rounded brand. Since social media is meant to be social, you’re going to be using your voice a lot on your platforms. So, ask yourself: formal language? laid back language? do I use slang? do I avoid slang? to swear or not to swear? do clichés represent my brand, yes or no?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself when establishing a brand voice online.


How boring would social media be if it was all stock photos? SNOOZE FEST. There is a real misconception that social media is fake and superficial and yes, some accounts are. But the pages that are successful online know social media is meant to be social! People are looking for authentic/creative content with informative/inspiring captions. People want to connect with a person, not a logo! Create your own content that revolves around your brand’s persona. Ask yourself, if my business was a person what would that person look like, act like, talk like, want to see, want to talk about? Then BOOM, your content will be authentic and that, my friend, is key!

If you’re thinking, “I’m tired of not seeing results on social media – my accounts need a facelift!” Check out our Strategic Social Sidekick package here.

We would love to work with you! xx

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